General Employment Information
The economic climate in Australia isn't great at the moment and it can be difficult to find casual work. Australian papers report many local applicants for each online advert. However, with hard work and persistence, many Sport Lived customers do gain paid employment whilst in Australia.
Prepare well!
We always advise to bring an up to date C.V. with you – remember to add in your Australian address and your Aussie phone number on arrival! If you don't have a lot of work experience, try to make your course work relevant to the skills you'd use in a job. There are many online guides for students writing a C.V. for the first time.
We recommend adding your Visa details and to have a photocopy of your Working Holiday Visa attached. This Visa is essential to gain paid work whilst in Australia.
Do the leg work!
Many customers gain employment from being pro-active – checking out noticeboards, asking around at their sports clubs etc. It is also not unusual in Australia for jobs to be advertised in the windows of retail premises, cafes and restaurants – so walk the streets and keep your eyes open!
Experience is key!
Any experience you can gain before you travel is key to help gaining employment – ask at your sports club, cafes and shops near where you live and check out any local work experience options.
Or maybe consider taking a course either in the UK or when you arrive in Australia. Some may be able to be taken online. Examples of useful courses are:
ECB Foundation & Core Coach
Stage 1 Umpiring Certificate
Rowing Session Coach
First Aid Course
Anaphylaxis Training
Food Handling Certificate
Barista Training
Responsible Serving of Alcohol Certificate - This 5hr course can be taken in central Melbourne for around $50 and is essential to work in bars e.g. RSA
Alcohol Manager Certificate
Any experience you can gain before you travel is key to help gaining employment – ask at your sports club, cafes and shops near where you live and check out any local work experience options.
Check your qualifications!
Remember to check you have the correct qualifications for your chosen industry in Australia. For example, all construction workers in Australia need to complete general construction induction training.
Employment Websites
The websites below list hundreds of jobs in Melbourne in a broad range of sectors.
Jobs in retail, customer service, warehouse, administrative and office work etc.
Jobs in the hospitality industry
Jobs in merchandising & stock taking
Casual assistant jobs often advertised for many of Melbourne's major events.
Casual market research jobs.
Sports Related Employment
Our Coordinators will often post current job adverts online in our Sport Lived Facebook groups.
Jobs in sports coaching, umpiring and refereeing in many sports: from Athletics to Water Polo!
School holiday sports coaching work; including Soccer, Hockey and Netball coaching
Contact: Tony Miles. Email: tony@australiansportscamps.com.au Please mention you are on a Sport Lived programme.
Sports coaching work with young people and schools.
Contact: Shaun Brown. Email: s.brown@cricketcoaching.com.au Please mention you are on a Sport Lived programme.
The Age, the main newspaper in Melbourne, advertises various employment opportunities. It would be worthwhile to visit their website and buy the paper during your time in Melbourne. Website: www.theage.com.au
Remember to have copies of your C.V. with you when looking!